Thursday, May 24, 2007

Surviving (Part 3)

So, that snow I was talking about last's what it looked like when I got up this morning! The poor trees and shrubs were nearly breaking under the weight of FIVE INCHES of snow! I'm not exaggerating either - I measured!You should have seen me this morning! I was outside, still in my pajamas (and coat!), shaking all the branches with my broom, praying they would be O.K. Sky woke up first and I brought him downstairs to show him the snow. I said, "It's not supposed to snow in May. This is pretty crazy, eh?" He shook his head "no," so I asked what he thought. He thought for a moment, pointed at the snow, and said, "I know what I should do! I should shovel all that snow! Then it will all be gone!" I said, "Sounds like a good idea to me!" After Sara woke up a few minutes later, I bundled them up (I just put away all the winter accessories yesterday!) and sent them out to shovel. They did a great job clearing the deck! After they got cold and wet enough, they came in and I made hot chocolate, scrambled eggs, and toast for breakfast (in that order!).

We stayed home all day today and I got lots done around the house. The kids played so much better together and there was hardly any fighting, so that was wonderful! Sky had a nice, long nap, while Sara and I did some schoolwork. She can finally write her name without tracing the letters! This is a HUGE accomplishment!

After supper, we went around the corner to Dairy Queen. I know, crazy on a day like today! Sara and Sky each polished off a Dilly Bar, and I had my favorite - hot fudge sundae! That gave them plenty of energy to help clean up when we got home and they actually did an excellent job. They are asleep now. Only one more day of flying solo! We pick Joshua up at the airport tomorrow after supper. He has been bored and lonely, but glad he missed the snow! It was nice and warm in B.C. today!


mylifewith5kids said...

Your weather certainly puts things in perspective for those of us here in Michigan. I was a little bummed yesterday, because it was too cold for the children to swim. Praise the Lord that we didn't even get close to getting SNOW!

Jen said...

your snow is so different from the 91 degrees we've got in EP so far today! i'd like to stick my feet in your snow for just a few minutes!