Yup, that's right, you read it right - we are moving after only being in this house for 10 months! Many of you have already heard this news, but I'm going to answer the most frequently asked questions in this post. So, here goes my self-interview!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
We're Moving - AGAIN!
Sunday, July 6, 2008
100th Post!
Wow! This is my 100th post! I'll celebrate by making it one of my shortest posts ever... Tomorrow morning we're heading to Jasper, AB for the big family vacation camping trip! It's been a busy day, doing laundry, packing bags and tubs, washing fruit, etc. I think it's about ready... I just have to grate some cheese... (Should've bought the pre-grated stuff, but couldn't bring myself to pay the price!) Joshua had all of last week off of work as well. We had such a fun week, but I'll have to post all about it when we get home. The highlights were shopping at the mall, visiting the Science Centre, and a day at the Calgary Stampede. Oh, and learning to play Guitar Hero - Joshua found one at the mall on Wednesday! The kids are worn out, so maybe that will help them sleep really good while we're camping... I think we'll have fun, as long as it doesn't rain too much and the bears stay away... :-) Jasper is just beautiful and there are so many lakes and waterfalls and canyons to explore there! I'm really looking forward to it!
I'll leave you with a few pictures from this weeks activities.
This is Sara being elevated on a bed of nails at the Science Centre! We all tried it- very freaky!
And now we have cowboy Sky, chewing on a piece of grass...
And the very adorable cowgirl, Sara! Doesn't she look great in a cowboy hat?!
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
This year was the first time I got to celebrate Canada Day as a Canadian citizen! It has been a really fun day so far. We met some friends on Main St. this morning for the Canada Day parade. Our friends are early risers and we are not. So, they got went early to get a good spot and save some room for us! That's my good friend, Penny, under the umbrella. Her 2 boys are sitting on the blanket with Sky. Zachary is 8 and Micah is 6. Sara and Jennadee (4 1/2) are sitting in the little chairs on the left. (Both not looking at the camera!)
And here are the two dads. Richie and Joshua. They were gentlemen and stood the whole time, so the moms and children could sit! Thanks guys!
A better look at Sara and Jennadee... They are such sweet little friends and I love to see them play together!The parade started out with the Royal Mounted Canadian Police (RCMP).
Happy Canada everyone! Stay tuned for possible fireworks pics... We're going tonight and I have a fireworks setting on my camera. We'll see if it works...