It's Aloha Friday! I missed joining in last week because I was away on vacation (see post below for lots of pics!). As you know by now, Aloha Friday is a blogging tradition that originally started with Kailani over on An Island Life. I ask you a simple question, and you answer! It's a great way to interact with family and friends and to meet new bloggy friends along the way! To participate, just head over to Kailani's blog and follow the instructions.
My question this week:
Do you have any special plans for Valentine's Day this year? Any yearly traditions?
Valentine's Day is probably my most favourite holiday of the year! I love the red, pink and white combination, I love making fancy homemade Valentine's, I love making and baking special treats, and I love giving everything away to my friends and family! Yesterday I baked and decorated Valentine cupcakes with the kids, which you can see below. We had fun!
Today I will celebrate my annual tradition, a Valentine's Tea Party! My new homeschool friend, "D" and her two kids will be joining us this afternoon for tea, cupcakes and other goodies! This tradition started when my little sister, Heather was around 2 or 3 years old. I would have been about 19 and I wanted to do something special and "girlie" with her for Valentine's Day. It was a major hit, so the tradition has continued whenever possible! I wish I could be with my sisters today to have my tea party with them. But, I'll see you girls in April and we'll do something then! :-) Tomorrow I have bunches of little treats for Sara and Sky. Then, Joshua and I have a date at one of our favourite restaurants in the late afternoon. I can hardly wait! I hope all of you have a special weekend with the one's you love most!
The Mom Initiative
9 years ago
I will probably make a nice dinner and maybe a good chocolately dessert. I got the G-man play dough for his Valentine's gift so I bet we will play with that a lot tomorrow!
I am making a cake with my son but me and my husband don't do anything for valentines day. Never have!!!
Dinner and a movie with my husband of 26 years!!
Breakfast at an Italian bakery, shopping, dive into a nice chocolate shop, shop some more, Mexican or steak lunch, giving her a necklace and a card, watching a romantic movie at home, and cooking supper for her.
No traditions--in fact, it seems like we celebrate less and less each year!
We keep it simple--just cards, candy, and flowers. Since it falls on Saturday (which is PIZZA/Boxing night...LOL...we will probably have pizza and watch boxing--if there is no boxing--we usually play scrabble (pretty boring, I know--but I LOVE IT!!)
Nothing hubbs has to work late
No special plans this year. Hubby and I usually just exchange a card and go out to dinner.
No, and no, sad huh?
We typically go out to dinner & then come home for a fun dessert.
Your tradition sounds like lots of fun. Enjoy!
Nothing special planned. We'll probably take the girls to their favorite restaurant and eat tons of chocolate. LOL!
I'm going to make cupcakes like you did! That's about it!
So I'm a wee bit late commenting. Hope you don't miss reading it. :) Any yearly traditions? Well, it is our anniversary so we celebrate that every year. We don't do anything special & it changes from year to year depending on the finances. This year we got to go to dinner where we had our rehearsal dinner 5 years ago. (thanks to some friends who gave us a gift cert.)
It was nice.
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