It's Aloha Friday! I've missed a few lately, but I'm back for more! As a reminder, Aloha Friday is a blogging tradition that originally started with Kailani over on An Island Life. I ask you a simple question, and you answer! It's a great way to interact with family and friends and to meet new bloggy friends along the way! To participate, just head over to Kailani's blog and follow the instructions.
My question for today is:
During Spring/Summer do you prefer longer hair where you can put it up or pull it back on hot days, or a short haircut that's easy, breezy everyday?
I desperately need a haircut - SOON! It's been 5 months since the last one! Obviously, it's grown a lot in that time frame. I can't decide if I want to chop it off short,or..... just get a trim, so I can do the whole ponytail/up-do thing when I want to. I'm going to call and make my appointment right now!
The Mom Initiative
9 years ago
I prefer long hair that I can pull back. When my hair is shorter it still seems to annoy me when it's hot.
I really want a hair cut. I've been wearing it in a ponytail too much lately. I think I do prefer it shoulder length during the warm months. It grows back so fast anyway. (Too much gray sneaking in these days too :)
I would prefer long hair that can be put in a ponytail, but sadly, my hair stopped growing years ago, so I'm stuck with short and sweaty.
I like both. I haven't had my hair long in a really long time. It gets to about my shoulders, well a little shorter than that, and I get tired of it, and want something new. I also hate it when I have it longer and all I do is put it in ponytails.
Mine's inbetween so I can do both w/ it. Leave it out or put it up. Works for me.
My hair growns like 4-6 inches a year so I usually just wait until I can handle it and chop the heck out of it every 2-3 years! LOL!
Long hair that you can pull back, because then you always can wear it down as well.
Long hair and it goes up most of the summer
Long hair that I can pin up at the sides, put into a ponytail, twist into a French roll, wear down curly or straight.
I wear my hair the same way all the time. One length and long enough to pull into a ponytail.
My Aloha Friday
No matter what the season, my hair has to be just long enough to pull back into a pony tail. With that said, I need a cut soon so it will be lighter when we go to Disney World.
used to be the long hair type now with 6 children short hair is better
I am all for short layers! What is the worst to me is when it is in between (not short, but not long enough to stay back in a pony tail.
my preference with the wind here is just to chop it off - which i've done! there's no ponytail or pull it back option with the short i have it now.
these days allow me for little time and with being always "hot"( pre-menopause) i have let my hair grow longer so I can pull it up in a bun or pony tail...i don't particularly like it this way...especially with all the gray front and brown back I am sporting...but summer is coming sooner enough and I will be ever so grateful I didn't cut it!
be blessed my friend!
I get headaches if my hair is pulled back. I chopped it all off this winter. We just have too much going on, and Don likes change, so no hesitation there!
Did you get your hair cut? If so, picture please!
I prefer long hair that I can put up or pull back.
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