Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Holy Moses!

Last night (Monday, April 7) was Sara's turn to shine in the performance of the kids' musical, "Holy Moses!" It was a job well done by all the kids in our homeschool group. They had worked hard since the end of January to put this together. One mom directed the whole thing and several others helped out where they were needed. I was costume coordinator, but all I had to do was dig through last year's costumes and find ones to fit the kids for this year! It wasn't too labour intensive! The musical had it's bumps in the road, including a broken projector and a skipping CD, but all in all, the kids did a GREAT job and were super cute! Sara did so well learning the words and actions to all the songs. We could hear her belting it out up there! We were very proud! The choir had to stand on risers through the whole performance, and the kids had their share of wiggles. Here are a few shots of Sara's different stances throughout the evening. (She's the one in the blue t-shirt and khaki pants - they had to wear "hiking" clothes) She was so cute! After 3 hours of practice in the afternoon and back for the performance at 6:30 p.m., we were all ready for bed that night!

Waiting for the musical to start....Getting those muscles warmed up for all those actions!
"Baby Moses was a basket case....."Sara was one of the tambourine girls for one song! Waiting for the next song.
Singing the last song!Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you, Princess! Great job!

(This post was written on Tuesday, but I was too sick to finish and add the pictures. I'm leaving it dated April 8, even though it didn't officially get posted that day!)

1 comment:

Karen @Snakes-Snails-Puppydogtails said...

Glad your feeling better! I'm sure she did a great job!