Those of you who know me well, can just start laughing now, so you can get it out of your system! Yes, we are going to try camping this summer....and this is our new tent! We ordered it from Sierra Trading Post, our favourite place to buy quality outdoor gear and clothing. They have great name brand stuff for discount prices. We ordered it, had it sent to my brother in Michigan, and I picked it up while I was there and brought it home. (It saved on the shipping to Canada.) Joshua decided it would be a good idea to practice setting up the tent in the comfort and privacy of our own backyard. It was actually very easy to put up and Joshua and I didn't argue or fight about anything! The kids were a help too! :-) I am very skeptical about t
his adventure called camping, but after seeing the tent all put together, I must say I was getting kind of excited. (Did I say that out loud?!) The tent is huge - there's one main room, with two smaller rooms, one on each side. Even Joshua can stand up straight in the middle room! So, everyone gets their own bedroom! And each room has a separate entrance too. Sara and Sky were wild with excitement! They each picked their rooms and we even got the new sleeping bags out for a trial run. Joshua pointed out that it good that the kids got to play in the tent and work out their initial excitement before the big event. They were so wired, that if we had really been camping, they wouldn't have slept a wink! We had the tent up on both Saturday and Sunday, but due to chance of showers, we took the tent down both nights. I'm sure we'll try sleeping in it
when it's a little drier and warmer. The camping trip is scheduled for the second week of July and we're going to the little mountain town of Jasper, AB. We have plenty of time to keep practicing....
I'm still not sure if I will survive this whole camping thing.... I'm just way too prissy for my own good. Any encouragement, tips or campfire recipes would be very welcome! No horror stories - please!
The Mom Initiative
9 years ago
Hey Peggy,
Nice tent you have there..
You are the chosen winner of the $20 Timmy's card!!! you won....
On my site is my e-mail address so I can get your address to mail you your card...
Hmmm...camping stories...
It can be so much fun..camping with rain and mud...not so fun...
The trick is stick to busy camp ground ..were there are others camping too...those side camp ground that are a little more secluded..not always a good idea...but I won't share with you why cause it falls under the category of horror...
We have camped near Jasper many years ago...bring a little portable heater if you can...the nights can get cold even in July...wished someone would have told us that was +30 one day and the next we woke up to snow everywhere...
Have fun...the kids will have lasting memories from it...
I LOVED camping as a child! I have great memories of it. I'm not so prissy, but have noticed that as I get older it isn't as comfortable to sleep on the ground, & I'm not big into bugs & dirt. You'll do fine!
can't think of any campfire recipes except the ever traditional s'mores.
Do y'all do sourdough where you are at? I remember my mom always taking sourdough with her & we'd have pancakes.
God Bless, -Gail
You are a better wife and mother then I am:) No camping for this Fl girl. Nice job on your post:)
Miss you to:(
i'm not a camper. if i don't have real plumbing and real walls, i don't want any part of it. good for you for braving it with your family.
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