This is Ruthie Toothie. She has been in the family since I was a little girl. My grandma made me a Ruthie Toothie when I started to lose my teeth. Every time I lost a tooth, she gently held each one of my teeth as they waited under my pillow for the tooth fairy to come. I'm sure I still have that Ruthie Toothie somewhere in a memory box... I made a new one for Sara when she was still quite small. Last night, Ruthie Toothie had the honour of holding Sara's most recent lost tooth - tooth #6! After I put Sara to bed last night, she called me to say her loose tooth was hurting and bothering her. I knew it was hanging on by a thread. I told her that maybe it would feel better if we cleaned it. :-) So, she started brushing and the tooth started to bleed. I said, "Honey, that tooth really needs to come out tonight." She started to panic a little. Then, I took over the brushing and after a few strokes over the tooth, it jumped right out of her mouth! She was so happy! We found Ruthie Toothie and tucked the tooth inside. I almost had her convinced to put it under her pillow, but she didn't quite have the courage. You see, even though we've told Sara that the tooth fairy is only pretend, I don't think she fully believes us! With the exception of the first tooth, she has never wanted her tooth under her pillow. She really doesn't like the idea of the tooth fairy coming into her room in the middle of the night! So, she left Ruthie Toothie on the bathroom counter. Of course, the tooth fairy found it! :-) Sara was so excited to find 2 loonies (2 one dollar coins) inside Ruthie Toothie this morning! Here she is, showing you the new hole in her mouth (the one on the left)!
For more lost teeth adventures, read Welcome to My Life! and Cute Kid Sayings and The Tooth Fairy! How does your family celebrate a lost tooth?
The Mom Initiative
9 years ago
Peggy, yep, I smiled. What would you charge me to make 2 "Ruthie toothies?" Or if it isn't hard could you e-mail me the directions? my e-mail =
Although I'm not very crafty.
I think I'm going to make your gooey butter cake next week.
So I'm looking at the recipe, I DO NOT follow box mix directions, but just mix the 3 ingredients & pat into greased pan. Then for the top you say to sprinkle w/addt'l powdered sugar beyond the 1#?
WOW! Sounds easy enough.
So yes, for those of us who don't know you personally we'd love to hear "your story".
I think it's cute how you've been in CAN. long enough now that you put u's in words that we leave out down here. i.e. favourite. :)
btw- I love Sara's middle name as that is what my middle name is too except w/an i not a y.
Also update on Adam- my s-i-l & he are going to Pitts. PA for a consultation on Mon. coming, then he gets a port put in on 6/19.
Thanks again for your prayers.
Sorry my comment is so long.
Thanks for stopping by and leaving me a note.
For the comments - just go to blogger page layout. In the middle section, where the post box is, you can edit the "comments" there. :-D
Darling and what a fun tradition to pass down through your family.
Take care - Kellan
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