It's Aloha Friday already! It came fast this week! So, you know the drill by now. I will ask a simple question and you give me your answer. It's kind of my day to take a break from blogging. Thanks to Kailani over on An Island Life for the original idea. If you'd like to link up and participate, head on over to her blog, and follow the instructions!
My question for the week:
Are you an early morning riser or a late night owl?
I have always been a night owl! I get that second wind around 10 p.m. and feel like I could stay up all night. I hardly ever go to bed before 11 p.m., but many nights I'm up even till midnight. I've actually been told that it's a problem with my adrenal glands, so I'm on some herbs from my herbalist to help get me to bed earlier and wake up happier. (Mornings are generally not my best time of the day!) Fortunately, I don't have to deal with children who get up super early. I trained my children from the beginning, to not get up early, so they're usually not up till 8 or 8:30 a.m.
The Mom Initiative
9 years ago
I'm definitely more of a night owl. I usually try to go to bed when Jake does since he has to get up early, but when he's gone I tend to stay up late - way too late some times!
I used to be a major night owl. I would stay up until 12-1 without missing a beat. These days I often stay up to 11-12 trying to get things done while the kids are in bed. As a teacher I learned to get up early and do that without thinking now. Of course my two natural alarm clocks (5 year old and 20 month old) tend to get up between 5-6:30 every day.
I have been a night owl.
I have tried to change but it is hard to do.
night owl, always have been always will be. The early morning thing is really hard for me but I have 2 kids so I have to force myself out of bed for them
I'm a night owl, always have been. Mornings are so difficult for me and the kids arent very understanding LOL!
I really just like to sleep. I like to go to bed early and sleep in. But that really isn't an option. I am more of an early riser. I like to get things done in the morning rather than at night.
I am a night owl. Unfortunately, having 3 kids in the house makes me an early riser . . . way earlier than I like to be up.
neither! but now I'm an early riser because my sons both are
Now that I live in Australia where the sun rises at 4:30 am...I am an early riser! I miss sleeping in and being a night owl. I am from Michigan where the sun does not come up so early!
Deborah @ Comfort Joy Designs
International contests/giveaways do exist! Also you may find those open to U.S. & Canada. Keep looking they are out there. Also, it never hurts to ask, if it isn't specified. Perhaps, the blogger doesn't know where their readers are from. Who knows, you may open the way for a Canadian giveaway for them.
I share giveaways I come across on my blog. I hope you come back again...soon!
Deborah @ Comfort Joy Designs
I'm a night owl by nature, but I'm being forced into the morning person role by my kids. My two year old gets up between 6:45 and 7:00 every single day. UGH!
as early riser. I love to have time to myself before everyone else rises! Just me and my coffee!
USUALLY an early morning! Since I'm pregnant, I usually need a little more sleep these days early to bed and I sleep as late as my son lets me(8ish)!
I'm definitely an early morning riser. Usually not by choice (the cats wake me up). But this has been happening so long that I couldn't sleep in if I wanted to! Actually I've been like this since I was a kid.
Come night time, I'm usually beat!
I'm following you on blogger!
Stop by my blog and check out my Aloha Friday question...
I am a night owl as you can see! :) My husband has been telling me I need to go to bed earlier, so I made a goal to try to be in bed by 11pm. Don't always make it, but it is better than the 1 or 2 am I was doing.
I agree with you though, for those of us that are night owls- training our children to not get up so early is a good thing. My girls know they need to wait until the music comes on. This happens at 7:40am. If they wake before this they can play quietly in their beds, go potty if necessary, but no out of bed before 7:40. Unless mom or dad allows it. i.e. On Sundays in order to make it to church on time they need to be up by about 7am.
Well, I used to be a night owl ... then I went to college. I had a room mate who was a morning person so I quickly adapted. Then I went to work and being a morning person served me well - I had to get up at 5:00am to be at the office on time. Then I got married and went back to being a night owl - we both loved the late night news shows. Now with 4 kids who keep me busy, I never sleep although I'm always tired. I'm up late with insomnia and up early with Nicolas. Go figure!!
Oh I am a late night person..and definitely not a morning person..but as we all know have kids changes everything!!! Now I don't have a choice.. I must rise with the sun lol
Unfortunately, I'm both . . . and not by choice. LOL!
An Island Life
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