Wow! I'm overwhelmed! It has been so incredibly neat to hear from all of you! I was up late last night and early this morning just to see if I had any comments! I definitely needed a distraction yesterday. I mentioned we had all been sick for the month of April. I thought we were finally going to shake everything, and then on Thursday, I had a relapse complete with fever, sinus infection and bad cough. I had already had the cough, but it was getting better. Over the weekend it got worse and I stayed home from church. Then yesterday afternoon, after a particularly bad coughing episode, I could taste blood in my mouth. That freaked me out pretty good! I called Joshua and he told me to get to the doctor right away. Fortunately, we have a very good doctor literally right around the corner from our house! It's this tiny little clinic, with lavender colored walls (no kidding), and chairs that desperately need replacing, but the doctor's are great! So, I herded the kids into the car for the short drive, and put my name on the waiting list. In the meantime, Joshua called up our babysitter and friend, Charity, to come and rescue the kids. She's a wonderful, 18-year-old that I couldn't live without! If I could hire her to be my nanny, I would! She showed up in record time and the kids were grateful to follow her out the door to more exciting venues! When I finally saw the doctor he very quickly confirmed the sinus infection AND bronchitis. Lovely! I headed to the pharmacy next door and he supplied me with the hard stuff - antibiotic for the bronchitis and cough syrup with codeine to knock me out of my misery!
After I picked up the kids and got home, Joshua went hunting for food! He ended up at the Vietnamese noodle house and brought home noodle bowls and spring rolls for all to enjoy! After supper, my sweet husband headed out again to do my grocery shopping for me. He definitely earned his keep yesterday! He brought home raspberries for the kids, and they had those for a bedtime snack. Major points for Daddy on that one. Mommy is too cheap to ever buy raspberries - they're such a ridiculous price for such a small container! At least up here anyway!
I think that's enough griping for one day. Oh, wait, I forgot about the night! I got booted to the couch because of my cough (I was not happy about that), and BOTH kids got up. Sky wanted more milk in his sippy cup and Sara wet her bed. (Which she NEVER does!) Sigh! Maybe we'll all get a nap today, but I doubt it!
As requested, you will find pictures of me and Joshua. I had to go retrieve them from Winkflash because our computer crashed a couple of months ago and we lost everything. Thank God, I had uploaded all our pictures to Winkflash, so we still have them there!
The Mom Initiative
9 years ago
First of all, so glad that you are blogging. I will enjoy keeping up with you and your family.
Second, I am so sorry that you are sick. I am praying for you to get better soon.
Last but not least, Joshua must be an amazing husband to even think of getting someone to get the kids for you and to buy rasberries! Way to go Joshua!!!
Yeah...I'm an amazing husband. :-)
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